Deafblind Services

Support Service Provider (SSP) Program

Support Service Providers (SSP) are for adults who are deafblind. This program encourages community integration, increases the level of independence, and supports the rights of deafblind persons to have unrestricted access to their environment.

The SSPs relay visual and environmental information and may serve as a guide, assist with reading, errands, recreational activities and transportation. The SSP may also share opportunities and resources available in their area. Learn more with the Helen Keller National Center Video: “What is an SSP?”

SSP Guidelines | word doc

SSP Guidelines (Large Print) | word doc

SSP Guidelines | word doc

SSP Policy | screen reader


iCanConnect (iCC)

The National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program (NDBEDP)

iCanConnect provides equipment and training to people with significant combined hearing and vision loss so they can stay connected to friends and family. Sending an email or chatting on the phone can be difficult without access to the right equipment. iCC puts technology into the hands of these individuals to enhance their independence. Learn about the program’s income and disability guidelines at

iCanConnect Application (PDF Fillable)

iCanConnect Application (Standard Print)

iCanConnect Application (Large Print)

iCanConnect Application (Standard Print) - Spanish

iCanConnect Application (Large Print) - Spanish

iCanConnect National Website

Educational Presentations

Interested in having your staff learn more about Deafblind Services? We provide free educational presentations upon request for your agency/organization’s staff. Schedule a presentation by calling 801-323-4358.


1) Provide an eye report* documenting your vision loss, showing one of the following:

  • A visual impairment of distance vision acuity at 20/70 or less in the best eye with best correction
  • Progressive vision loss with distance vision acuity of 20/50 or less in the best eye with best correction
  • Field loss of 20 degrees or less in the best eye. Loss must be a functional impairment documented by an eye doctor.

*Eye report must be within the past two years of application date.

2) Provide an audiogram* documenting your hearing loss.

  • Audiogram showing a pure tone average at 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 2000 Hz of at least 50 decibels or worse in the best ear.

*Audiogram must be within the past two years of application date.

3) Next step if eligible.

  • Complete the Helen Keller National Registry application, provided by the Deafblind Specialist.
  • Attest that you are not currently receiving services from a district education system nor have a current IEP (Individualized Education Plan).
  • Attest that you are not currently receiving services from the Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD).

Application Form:

SSP Application for Services

SSP Application for Services (JAWS Accessible)

Contact Deafblind Services for questions about the information provided.
Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired
250 N 1950 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Phone: 801-323-4358
VP: 385-212-2699