Utah’s Committee on Employment for People with Disabilities (UCEPD)

We promote efforts to achieve equal employment opportunities for Utahns with disabilities.

Core Beliefs

We believe that increased employment for people with disabilities will be successful when:

  • Every individual has access to employment based on their skills, abilities and informed choice.
  • Every individual has the opportunity for training and education to prepare for the workforce.
  • Every individual takes responsibility to attain and maintain employment.
  • Employers take a proactive role to recruit, hire and retain people with disabilities.
  • Innovative approaches and partnerships are continually developed to increase employment opportunities.

Golden Key Awards

The Utah’s Committee hosts annual awards that honor employers and individuals who promote efforts for equal employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Learn more.

Youth Mentoring Day

Event for business partners to help students with disabilities engage in their community and develop confidence about their employability in the workforce.

Visit our mentoring events webpage to learn more about upcoming events that are open to the public.


Leah Lobato, Coordinator

Suzy Sanchez, Executive Assistant