Eligible Training Provider Application
If you represent a school, college or university and would like to become an eligible training provider of adult education, occupational skills or post-secondary education, you’re in the right place.
If you are a student, this is not the correct application for you to complete. Please go to jobs.utah.gov/career, then select the link for the training support you need, Click "How to Apply" and then "Apply Now".
In July 2014 Congress passed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The focus of WIOA is to provide performance, cost and other detail that potential students need in order to make an informed choice on training program selection. WIOA governs the process and requirements for schools to be eligible for funds from DWS students.
School requirements:
- Must have been in business as a training provider and training students for at least two years.
- Must be registered with the Division of Consumer Protection as a Post-Secondary Proprietary School. If you are registered as exempt with the Division of Consumer Protection, you must be governed by a Utah accrediting body such as Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing, Nursing Assistant Registry, Division of Real Estate or Bureau of Emergency Medical Services.
- Government entities and basic education providers are exempt from the criteria of being governed by a Utah accrediting body
- Must be located in the state of Utah or, for out of state training providers, without a training location in Utah, you must be on the Eligible Training Provider List in the state where your main or corporate office is located.
- Must have less than a 31% average federal loan default rate for the last 3 reported years OR have a plan to reduce it below 31%.
- Each program must have had a graduating class/individual at least six months prior to application submission.
- Each program application must have the following data elements.
- # of students that obtained a completion credential in the last program year (July 1 through June 30)
- # of students enrolled in the program in the last program year (July 1 through June 30)
- # of students who exited the program in the last program year (July 1 through June 30)
- Exit is defined as any student who completes the program, as well as any student who withdraws or transfers
- # of students who obtained employment in the second quarter after exit
- Median Earnings in the second quarter after exit
- Average Earnings in the second quarter after exit
- If the program you are applying for is an online training, it must be part of a curriculum where lessons are assigned, completed, and returned; has a mechanism for student interaction with an instructor(s); and requires students to take periodic tests.
Apply for Eligibility
To initiate an initial eligibility determination for the Eligible Training Provider List you must submit an application for your school and one program. Click here if you meet the above requirements.
- Currently, approved training providers may add new programs at any time by logging into their training provider account and selecting the Programs tab.
After you complete the initial application, a DWS representative will email you the next steps of the application process. Once all steps are completed, it takes 45 days to be reviewed and a decision made.
DWS cannot pay for any costs incurred prior to approval.
Upon Approval
- You will be required to prominently post the DWS Equal Opportunity Notice.
- Placement of your school’s program information on our Eligible Training Provider list will occur.
- DWS customers will choose the program that best meets their needs and contact you if chosen.
- Every year you will be required to complete a review of the program(s) approved.