Preliminary Monetary Determination
Based on the wages reported by your employers* from {{model.PremonData.BeginDate | date:'MMMM d, y'}} to {{model.PremonData.EndDate | date:'MMMM d, y'}},
you may qualify for: {{model.PremonData.WBA | currency}} per week for a maximum of {{model.PremonData.Duration}} weeks
New Quarter
If you wait to complete your claim application during the week beginning {{model.NewQtrPreMonData.EffectiveDate | date:'MMMM d, y'}},
your estimated weekly benefit amount would be {{model.NewQtrPreMonData.WBA | currency}} a Maximum of {{model.NewQtrPreMonData.Duration}} weeks.
Select the Home button to enter the number again or you may contact the Claims Center if you have questions at: